CoinPayu PTC With Trusted Bitcoin Payment

CoinPayu is a PTC (Paid To Click) Site with the Best and Most Trusted Bitcoin Payments.


On the internet there are many PTC sites scattered. Of the many PTC sites, there are those who actually pay and some who do not pay for their members.

Therefore, I recommend that all of you join a PTC site that really trusted. And one of the PTC sites that are included in the trustworthy category is CoinPayu

CoinPayu is a PTC site that will provide payments for every click on advertisement activities carried out by its members. And the payment given to all members, in the form of digital currency Bitcoin.

Then, the number of advertisements that must be watched by members is free, available between 35 to 45 advertisements. And from each ad that is watched has a pay value varies, between 6 to 22 Satoshi.

Furthermore, what is the lowest amount of withdrawal from CoinPayu?.

For withdrawals with a limit the lowest of CoinPayu is 0.00010000 BTC or 10,000 Satoshi. And you can drag it directly to your Bitcoin wallet address.

How ?? Are you interested in getting Bitcoin paid from CoinPayu ??.

What is clear and certain, CoinPayu is a PTC site that is truly trusted and definitely pays to all its members. Therefore, immediately join and enjoy the delicious Bitcoin from CoinPayu.

Furthermore, specifically for those of you who are reading this article, and want to join as a free member on CoinPayu, please click the Free Register button.

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